First Class Project
Hello, if you're reading this you are either someone I know who found my page or maybe someone at a job I applied to. I've been designing and working on games for 3 years now and this is my first fully coded game I've done solo. How have I made it this far without doing one? Mishaps, luck, and a string of jobs that I was pretty damn good at to be honest.
I've worked on 5 game projects so far, all of them in educational games. I've tried several times to learn code, and this time I've actually begun taking an online course to teach me. It all has been clicking pretty well, and this has been the first time I've understood what I'm coding and know where to go whenever my code isn't working.
Throughout this course lesson, the teacher was only working on 2 of the 3 levels for the project, but every time we set up something on the project for the two levels I would always set up the third one on my own using the same methods and C# things we had just learned. For example, whenever the project was supposed to provide feedback on clearing a level or selecting one, I was frustrated that he wasn't displaying the level the player had chosen, or what level they had completed. I was able to achieve this by just referencing the level variable that was established earlier on in the project, even though I wasn't sure if I was doing it correctly or not. Still not completely sure, but the game works as intended and the code is organized. The teacher ended up doing this same process on the last video for the project, and I was like "Oh neat I can skip this section." ( I still watched it to make sure he didn't add anything else).
I was able to mostly stay ahead of this project, and am finally getting a grasp on how much a function can handle, calling functions, and creating organized code.
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